
状态: HD

主演: 约瑟夫·马勒 博亚娜·诺瓦科维奇 迈克尔·麦克埃尔哈顿 迈克尔·史麦利 盖瑞·莱登 斯图尔特·格雷厄姆 肖恩·泰瑞尔 詹姆斯·米瑞科 比利·特雷纳 阿兰 

导演: 科林·哈迪

语言: 英语

首播: 2015(英国,美)

更新: 2022-11-16 17:57

类型: 恐怖片



once upon a time, horror movies regularly ran in your local multiplex. but lately, newer high-quality horror flicks can be found on our televisions. it's a blessing and a curse, there's not that much room for independently produced films to scare crowds en masse at their local theaters, but we know there's always something to find on streaming sites and vod rental platforms.过去,恐怖片一般只在当地影院定期上映。而如今,我们用电视就能看到新上映、高品质的恐怖片。这既是福也是祸,在当地影院再也看不到那么多观众被独立制作的恐怖片吓得尖叫的场面了,但我们知道从视频网站和网上视频收费平台总能找到我们想看的恐怖片。

so here are 11 horror flicks that you can watch at home with all the lights off and junk food galore -- which some would argue is even better than going to a multiplex and dealing with jerks who talk during all the scary bits.这里给你推荐11部可以在家欣赏的恐怖片,把家里的灯全部关掉,一边吃着各种垃圾食品,一边欣赏电影。有人说这样比去影院看电影好多了,最起码你不用忍受身旁一出现恐怖镜头,就大肆评论一番的蠢蛋了。


1. bite (2015)《变蚁人》(2015)

this one earned mixed reviews, but please save me a seat on the "really dug it" side of the equation. this freaky canadian import is about a young woman who slowly transforms (more like "degenerates") into a she-creature after crossing paths with an exotic insect(ish thing). toss in a few icky kills, a decent dosage of compelling subtext, some fine acting under tough circumstances, and more icky goo than any one film probably needs, and you're looking at a nasty yet darkly amusing horror flick that my mom wouldn't be able to sit through for more than nine minutes. seth brundle, on the other hand, would love it.这部影片口碑褒贬不一,但是我还是深深沉迷在这部电影的魅力中。这部惊悚的加拿大电影讲述的是一名年轻的女子被一种外来虫子之类的东西咬了之后,慢慢变形(更像退化)出现昆虫的特征。一些恶心无比的杀戮情节,恰到好处、引人入胜的潜台词,在艰苦的环境中演员体现出来的精湛演技,还有比别的电影更多的各种恶心的怪物,这就是你要找的重口味、却带有趣味的黑暗惊悚片。像我妈这种人看这种片子绝不会超过9分钟,但是像电影变蝇人里的疯狂科学家seth brundle肯定会喜欢的。


2. bone tomahawk (2015)《战斧骨》 (2015)

sad but true: we don't get all that many horror/western hybrids these days (or ever, really) so it's great to find a new one that not only works, but kicks butt under both genre headings. bone tomahawk is basically the searchers meets the hills have eyes, about a gang of well-intentioned townsfolk (led by kurt russell!) who head out to rescue a citizen who has been captured by a tribe of cannibalistic natives. oddly literate for such a gruesome concoction, and that's only one of the flick's surprises.悲伤却真实:近年来很少出现关于恐怖和西部元素相结合的电影(或从未出现过),所以当看到这部电影中出现这两种风格,而且融合得相当好时,我们是大大惊艳到了。《战斧骨》基本上是电影《落日狂沙》和《隔山有眼》的结合体,讲述的是一群好心的村民在库尔特?拉塞尔(kurt russell)的带领下,出发寻找食人族下落,解救被食人族囚禁的村民。文明与落后阴森相结合的奇异,还只是这部片子众多亮点中的一小点而已。


3. cub (2014)《幼兽》(2014)

i included this belgian film for three reasons: 1) it's a crafty, freaky, scary little movie, 2) it's available over on shudder, a fantastic streaming service for americans who crave nonstop horror cinema, and 3) it's a terrifying movie. cub follows a scout troop that goes on a weekend camping trip, only to stumble across a rather unique psycho. suffice it to say we won't be seeing an american remake of this one anytime soon.推荐这部比利时电影有以下三个原因:一,这是一部离奇、荒诞、恐怖的低成本电影;二,它可以在shudder(为喜爱观看恐怖片的美国人服务的流媒体)上播放;三,这是一部恐怖片。幼兽跟随童子军进行周末露营旅行,不料却遭遇一场诡异的惊魂之旅。简单地说,近期我们是不会看到美国翻拍这部电影的。


4. the hallow (2015)《圣魇》(2015)

not to be confused with the hollow, hallow, or (god forbid) the gallows, this low-key but eminently creepy offering from the uk focuses on a family deep in the woods who must contend with something... unnatural. it's a pretty straightforward campfire tale, so the less i divulge the better. fine. you win. there are demons in that freaky forest. hungry ones, too.不要把这部片子和电影《断头谷》、《驱魔少年》还有《绞刑架》混淆了。这部低调但极度惊悚的英国电影讲述的是一家人深入丛林,与一些非同寻常的事物做斗争。这个营火故事的线索十分明朗,所以我最好不要剧透太多。好好好,我还是告诉你们吧。在诡异的丛林深处,等待他们的,不仅有恶魔,还有食人族……


5. he never died (2015)《不死之身》(2015)

it's always fun when henry rollins pops up in a movie. the man has a natural intensity that's fascinating to watch, plus he's a lot funnier than we generally give him credit for. rollins gives his best performance ever in the odd, fascinating he never died, which is sort of like a film noir-horror flick-crime story amalgam. the former black flag frontman plays a soft-spoken badass who simply cannot be killed (and the local criminal element knows, because its tried... more than once). precisely how the man gained this immortality is a big reveal, and the explanation makes for one of the most interesting genre films in recent memory.当看到亨利?罗林斯(henry rollins)在电影中突然出现时,我们总是忍俊不禁。他总有一种气质,让欣赏他的人为他着迷。而且,他很幽默,比我们认为的还要有趣。在这部奇异、令人着迷的电影里,他高超的演技表现得淋漓尽致。这是一部集黑色恐怖、犯罪类型于一身的电影。这个前黑旗乐队主唱扮演的是一个语气温和,但却永远不死的坏人(当地犯罪分子都知道他永远杀不死,因为他们不仅一次地想要杀他)。主角如何刚好获得不死能力是一个大反转,而电影中的说明更是使这部电影成为近来最有趣的电影之一。


6. holidays (2016)《恐怖假日》(2016)

like most horror anthologies, this holiday-themed collection is more or less a mixed bag. luckily, the good stuff outweighs the weaker offerings by a decent margin. highlights include a truly disturbing take on mother's day, a dark and unsettling tale about st. patrick's day, a dark, raunchyhalloween joke by kevin smith, and a broadly violent new year's eve date that plays a lot like a live-action tom & jerry cartoon.大多恐怖题材的电影都是喜忧参半,这部以节日为主题的电影也不例外。好在这部影片票房不错,喜还是多过忧的。影片的亮点在于:惶惶不安的母亲节、一个关于圣帕特里克节的惊悚故事,凯文?史密斯(kevin smith)演绎万圣节的恶趣味、新年夜的约会暴力大反转像极了真人版的《猫与老鼠》。


7. hush (2016)《无声夜》(2016)

this netflix-exclusive is about an aurally challenged but entirely self-sufficient young woman who spends one horrific evening being stalked, chased, and terrorized by a mysterious psychopath. refreshingly simple, cleverly efficient, and powerfully suspenseful, hush will be certain to grace many a year-end top-10 list. (top 10 horror movies, anyway.)这部影片由美国奈飞公司出品,讲述的是一个年轻的聋哑女人独自居住在树林深处。某天夜里一个戴着面具的精神病到访,一直跟踪、追赶、恐吓她。影片剧情简单却令人耳目一新、情节设计巧妙、悬疑重重,必定会为今年排名前十的恐怖电影增色不少。


8. the invitation (2016)《致命邀请》(2016)

have you ever spent an evening at a dinner party from which you couldn't wait to escape? if so, you'll probably appreciate the escalating tensions of karyn kusama's thriller that deals with old friends, creepy cults, and an offer that (literally) cannot be refused. a strong cast and a clever screenplay keep the invitation interesting during the slow-burn setup. when the finish line's in sight, it's a satisfying run of thrills and scares. and don't you dare turn it off before the final shot.你是否有过迫不及待想要逃离一场晚宴的经历?如果有过这样的经历,你或许会喜欢卡瑞恩?库萨马(karyn kusama)的这部惊悚片,影片围绕着老朋友、诡异的教派组织和一个无法拒绝的邀请,紧张氛围不断升级。影片虽然铺垫较长,悬念缓缓推进,但强大的演员阵容和构思巧妙的剧本让人丝毫不感到沉闷。影片结尾处更是极具刺激和紧张。你肯定不舍得错过最后镜头。


9. nina forever (2015)《永远的妮娜》(2015)

ghosts have a habit of popping up at the most unexpected moments. poor, deceased nina takes the cake: she only appears when her ex-boyfriend is about to have sex with someone else. this darkly funny and cleverly disturbing british release takes its bizarre premise to some unexpected places. thanks to an unpredictable screenplay and some fantastic performances, it also manages to make a few compelling points about the nature of love, romance, and loyalty. plus it's pretty gross (that's a good thing).鬼魂总是在最意想不到的时刻突然冒出来。影片中可怜的妮娜就是这样:她总是在她生前男友每次与其他女生发生关系的时候出现。该部英国影片充满黑色幽默且悬疑设计巧妙,故事的离奇表现在意想不到的地方。影片剧情设计出乎意料,演员演技精湛,也讲述了爱、浪漫、忠诚等一些人们感兴趣的话题。另外剧情有点儿污(这也不是坏事儿)。


10. southbound (2015)《一路向南》(2015)

seems like there's always a new indie horror anthology hitting the vod pipes every other week, but southbound is the best one we've seen in a few years. not only are the individual stories effective on their own, but the filmmakers figured out a crafty way to tie all the scary tales together into some sort of perpetual nightmare. (it'll make more sense after you watch the movie.)似乎每隔一周就会有一部新的独立恐怖电影获得极大点播量,这部影片是近几年来最成功的一部。影片的每个故事都独特新颖令人印象深刻,制作团队十分聪明,将所有恐怖的故事都紧密联系,以一种无休止的噩梦的形式呈现给观众。(看完影片你会更有感触的)


11. we are still here (2015)《我们仍在这里》(2015)

take a dash of 1970s-era ghost stories, a generous helping of lucio fulci love, and a handful of original, winning components, and that's pretty much the laid-back yet enjoyably spooky we are still here in a nutshell. the plot may feel familiar -- a troubled family returns to a long-empty and isolated house in the woods -- but it also heads in some unexpected directions, delivering a generous portion of well-crafted chills.影片成功之处简单来说在于:少许取材于上世纪七十年代的鬼怪故事,借鉴于卢西奥?福奇(lucio fulci)导演的恐怖手法,部分忠实于原作。影片剧情虽是缓缓推进,但那种看恐怖电影令人毛骨悚然的乐趣却丝毫未减少。这部电影虽剧情略显老套——一个遭遇不幸的家庭回到偏远乡村住进一栋长期闲置的房子,但还是会有一些意想不到、设计精妙的点会让观众不寒而栗。





