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扬·普罗沃斯特 死神与吝啬鬼 death and the miser 比利时格罗宁根博物馆


these panels were on the reverse side of the donor panels which belonged to a triptych from the former dominican monastery in bruges. they were detached from the donor panels and are exhibited separately. entitled death and the miser, it is an allegory of vanity; the precise import of which is no longer known.

这件作品位于捐赠画的背面,属于布鲁日前多米尼加修道院的三联画。 它们与供体板分离并单独展示。 标题为《死神与吝啬鬼》,它是虚荣的寓言; 其精确寓意已经不为人所知。


in the christian west the attitude to those whose interest centred on gathering money has been coloured by the teachings of the church. from its point of view, both the miser and the usurer were guilty of the cardinal sin of avarice and the two were often confounded.according to the parable of the elm and the vine in the quasi-biblical shepherd of hermas, the rich and the poor should be in a relationship of mutual support. those with wealth are in need of the prayers of the poor for their salvation and can only earn them by acts of charity.a typical late example of christian doctrine on the subject is the reverend erskine neale's the riches that bring no sorrow (1852), a moralising work based on a succession of biographies contrasting philanthropists and misers.



扬·普罗沃斯特 死神与吝啬鬼 右边 death and the miser 比利时格罗宁根博物馆



















扬·普罗沃斯特 死神与吝啬鬼 death and the miser 局部细节


扬·普罗沃斯特(jan provost或jan provoost,1465-1529),早期荷兰北部文艺复兴时期画家、工程师和雕塑家,16世纪布鲁日最重要的艺术家之一。出生在比利时卑尔根蒙斯,同时在布鲁日和安特卫经营两个工作室,为政府和教堂创作壁画和雕塑。娶了画家西蒙·马米恩(simon marmion,1425-1489)的遗孀,继承了相当大的庄园。

在扬·普罗沃斯特的宗教画作中可以找到杰勒德·大卫(gerard david,1460 -1523)和汉斯·梅姆林(hans memling,1430-1494)的风格的影响。北方文艺复兴在许多方面与意大利文艺复兴不同。北方的画家关注的是世俗社会,而不是教会夸张的宗教主题,他们更多地与社会和自然保持联系。艺术史学家约翰·范·戴克(john c. van dyke)的指出,“整体而言,他们的主题是单身人物或室内小组,安静的场景,家庭会议,吸烟者,卡片玩家,饮酒者,风景,静物,建筑作品。”卡扬·普罗沃斯特是一位多产画家,他的画作因其独特的美感和敏感度而备受赞誉。他是一位极具创造力的艺术家,从不重复他的作品,并且经常在他的画作中努力深奥和神秘。他在法国进行过微型绘画训练,在他的作品中,表现出对细节的关注和理想化的人物刻画。尔顿诺伊斯(carleton noyes)说:“(扬·普罗沃斯特)因此会关心这些外在的物质形式,无论是花朵,风景,人脸,只因为在他们身上有某种他喜欢的东西;他在艺术作品中赞美他喜欢的东西。他是聪明的技术型画家,他逼真地描绘了他所知道的花朵。”

扬·普罗沃斯特于1520年在安特卫普遇到了对德国艺术的影响深远的重要画家阿尔布雷希特·丢勒(albrecht dürer ,1471-1528),并对他的艺术风格产生了重要影响。(阴山工作室编写)
