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    i know having a boyfriend might seem like the only thing important to you right now, but you don't have to dumb yourself down in order for a guy to like you.


    ——《坏女孩》(mean girls)中的ms. norbury


    you must strive to find your own voice. because the longer you wait to begin, the less likely you are to find it at all.


    ——《死亡诗社》(dead poets society)中的john keating


    believe in yourselves. dream. try. do good.


    ——《男孩成长记》(boy meets world)中的mr. feeny


    change moves in spirals, not circles. for example, the sun goes up and then it goes down. but every time that happens, what do you get? you get a new day. you get a new one. when you breathe, you inhale and you exhale, but every single time that you do that you’re a little bit different than the one before. we’re always changing. and it’s important to know that there are some changes you can’t control and that there are others you can.


    ——《半个尼尔森》(half nelson)中的dan dunne


    playing music is supposed to be fun. it's about heart, it's about feelings, moving people, and something beautiful, and it's not about notes on a page. i can teach you notes on a page, i can't teach you that other stuff.


    ——《生命因你动听》(mr. holland’s opus)中的mr. holland


    you have big dreams. you want fame. well, fame costs, and right here is where you start paying: in sweat.


    ——《名扬四海》(fame)中的miss grant


    don’t lose track of who you are just because it might be easier to be somebody else.


    ——《欢乐合唱团》(glee)中的mr. schue


    i came to coach basketball players, and you became students. i came to teach boys, and you became men.


    ——《卡特教练》(coach carter)中的ken carter教练


    well, you’re gonna win or you’re gonna lose. either way the sun’s still gonna come up tomorrow morning.


    ——《胜利之光》(friday night lights)中的tami taylor


    dark times lie ahead of us, and there will be a time when we must choose between what is easy and what is right.


    ——《哈利?波特与火焰杯》(harry potter and the goblet of fire)中的邓布利多。




